We are currently studying The Bible in a Year. The class includes podcasts by Fr. Mike Schmitz, who will guide us through salvation history as he reads and reflects on the Scriptures, based on The Bible Timeline Learning System created by Jeff Cavins.
Classes will be on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in St. Theresa's Parish Hall. If you wish to participate by Zoom, please click on the button below to join us. For more information on this study or to register, contact Ann Buettner at 903.736.2032 or [email protected]. The cost for study materials is $27.
Meeting ID: 310 854 614
Password: 009963
Listen to Podcasts
BIY Podcasts
Faith Enrichment Class is held the second Thursday of each month, at 10:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Please bring a dish or snack to share with the group. For more information, contact Mary Wandersee at 612.916.2290.
The St. Theresa's Library is located in the Parish Hall and is available to all parishioners. Topics include Church History, Ethics and Integrity, Catechism, Sacraments and Liturgy, Marian Novels, Prayer, Faith and Saints. Check out sheets can be found at the front and end of the library. Donations of additional books and materials are accepted. For more information, contact Ann Buettner at 903.736.2032..
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This free Catholic online resource for the study of Sacred Scripture offers:
Please join them in the study of the Word of God written down in human terms so that we might understand God's plan for the salvation of mankind.